Schematic Diagram Map
URL http://<schematicdiagram-url>/map
Supported Operations Schematic Export   Schematic Identify
Parent Resource Schematic Diagram


The Schematic Diagram Map resource mimics a map service resource. It is returned as a <Map Service> by the REST API.

The Schematic Diagram Map resource supports 2 operations:

Resource Hierarchy

Layer Name Here


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1: The schematic diagram map related to the schematic diagram which id is '2-10' under the S1_Schematics public sample Schematics service

Example 2: The schematic diagram map related to the schematic diagram which id is '0-13' under the S2_InternalPlants public sample Schematics service

JSON Response Syntax

"currentVersion": ,
"serviceDescription" : "",
"mapName" : ""
"description": "",
"copyrightText" : "",
"supportsDynamicLayers" : ,
"layers": [ //the spatial layers published by this service
    "id" : , 
    "name" : "", 
    "defaultVisibility" : , 
    "parentLayerId" : ,
    "subLayerIds" : [, ]
    "minScale": ,
    "id" : , 
    "name" : "", 
    "defaultVisibility" : , 
    "parentLayerId" : ,
    "subLayerIds" : [, ]
    "minScale": ,
"tables": [ //the tables published by this service
    "id" : , 
    "name" : ""
    "id" : , 
    "name" : ""
"spatialReference" : {},
"singleFusedMapCache" : ,
"tileInfo": {
    "rows" : , "cols" : , "dpi" : , "format" : , "compressionQuality" : ,
    "origin" : {},
    "spatialReference" : {},
    "lods": [
        {"level" : , "resolution" : , "scale" :  },
        {"level" : , "resolution" : , "scale" :  }
"initialExtent" : {},
"fullExtent" : {},
//if the map supports querying and exporting maps based on time
"timeInfo" : {
  "timeExtent" : [, ],
  "timeReference" : {
    "timeZone" : "",
    "respectsDaylightSaving" : 
"units" : "",
"supportedImageFormatTypes" : "",
"documentInfo": {
    "" : "",
    "" : ""
//comma separated list of supported capabilities - e.g. "Map,Query,Data"
"capabilities" : ""

JSON Response Example

//Response for a sample schematic service that references three schematic layers in the default data frame
//The REST API returns the exact same response whatever the diagId specified in the http://<schematicdiagrams-url>/<diagId>/map URL
 "currentVersion": 10.1,
 "serviceDescription": "",
 "mapName": "Layers",
 "description": "",
 "copyrightText": "",
 "supportsDynamicLayers": false,
 "layers": [
  //The first schematic layer, OSP, in the sample service
   "id": 0,
   "name": "OSP",
   "parentLayerId": -1,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
  //The 1 to 8 sublayers under the OSP schematic layer in the sample service  
   "id": 1,
   "name": "End_Cap",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 2,
   "name": "pug_PUG_gas_plants",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 3,
   "name": "pug_PUG_petrochem_all",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 4,
   "name": "pug_PUG_refineries",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 5,
   "name": "Valves",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 6,
   "name": "Brazilpipelines_Net_Junctions",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 7,
   "name": "joined_pipe",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 8,
   "name": "pug_PUG_electric",
   "parentLayerId": 0,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
  //The second schematic layer, ISP_Diagrams, in the sample service
   "id": 9,
   "name": "ISP_Diagrams",
   "parentLayerId": -1,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": [ 10, 11, 12],
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
  //The 10 to 12 sublayers under the ISP_Diagrams schematic layer in the sample service  
   "id": 10,
   "name": "ISP_Equipments",
   "parentLayerId": 9,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 11,
   "name": "ISP_Valves",
   "parentLayerId": 9,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 12,
   "name": "ISP_Pipes",
   "parentLayerId": 9,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
  //The third schematic layer, DiagramsFromBrazilNetwork, in the sample service
   "id": 13,
   "name": "DiagramsFromBrazilNetwork",
   "parentLayerId": -1,
   "defaultVisibility": false,
   "subLayerIds": [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
  //The 14 to 20 sublayers under the DiagramsFromBrazilNetwork schematic layer in the sample service  
   "id": 14,
   "name": "End_Cap",
   "parentLayerId": 13,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 15,
   "name": "pug_PUG_gas_plants",
   "parentLayerId": 13,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 16,
   "name": "pug_PUG_petrochem_all",
   "parentLayerId": 13,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 17,
   "name": "pug_PUG_refineries",
   "parentLayerId": 13,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 18,
   "name": "Valves",
   "parentLayerId": 13,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 19,
   "name": "Brazilpipelines_Net_Junctions",
   "parentLayerId": 13,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
   "id": 20,
   "name": "joined_pipe",
   "parentLayerId": 13,
   "defaultVisibility": true,
   "subLayerIds": null,
   "minScale": 0,
   "maxScale": 0
 "tables": [],
 "spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326},
 "singleFusedMapCache": false,
 "initialExtent": {
  "xmin": 3.243417708438514,
  "ymin": -7.534672405877675,
  "xmax": 32.7568264321865,
  "ymax": 7.534794476190177,
  "spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326}
 "fullExtent": {
  "xmin": -180,
  "ymin": -90,
  "xmax": 180,
  "ymax": 90,
  "spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326}
 "units": "esriDecimalDegrees",
 "supportedImageFormatTypes": "PNG32,PNG24,PNG,JPG,DIB,TIFF,EMF,PS,PDF,GIF,SVG,SVGZ,BMP",
 "documentInfo": {
  "Title": "Brazil",
  "Author": "",
  "Comments": "Brazil",
  "Subject": "Brazil",
  "Category": "",
  "Keywords": "Brazil",
  "AntialiasingMode": "None",
  "TextAntialiasingMode": "Force"
 "capabilities": "map",
 "maxRecordCount": 1000,
 "maxImageHeight": 2048,
 "maxImageWidth": 2048